Jan 23, 2011

Why Stress Makes You Fat?

Many who complained when the stress hit, someone will easily gain weight. Why did it happen? 

When your body is under stress, it is very difficult to make healthy eating habits. Either because you do not have time to prepare healthy foods, do not have time, or difficult to meet the emotional needs so that your body is often too stretched. 

However, please know that hormones play a part in raising it turns out the weight when you are in a state of stress. Cortisol is a hormone that plays an important enough for the body. Generally, cortisol released by the adrenal glands in a pattern called a diurnal variation. Levels of cortisol in the blood stream varies depending on time (normally, cortisol is at the highest level in the morning and lowest around midnight). 

Cortisol is very important to maintain blood pressure and also in
produce energy for the body. In addition, cortisol also stimulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates to quickly produce energy and stimulate insulin release and to keep their blood sugar levels. The end result of this chain of events is increased appetite. 

Cortisol was named as the "stress hormone" because of the excessive expenditure of cortisol can occur due to either physical or psychological stress and become involved in disorder at the expense of cortisol and can lead to weight gain. 

Not only that, but cortisol also affect which areas will be increased. Several studies have shown that increased cortisol due to stress increased the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area than your hips. Accumulation of fat is referred to as toxic fat because of the addition of fat in the abdominal area is often associated with an increased risk of heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. 

But that should not be forgotten, metabolic factors, food intake, many olahrga, type of food consumed, and time pengonsumsian food also affects the body's metabolism to increase or decrease in weight. 

Not everyone in the stress condition would result in high cortisol and weight gain also can not be predicted. Increased cortisol vary greatly between individuals.


Healthy Life said...

i'll eat a lot of chocholates if i stress. may be its make my weight increase when i am stress :D

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