Jan 19, 2011

How Healthy are Weird

There are many ways that people do to make him stay healthy. But there are some of the best solutions for health problems that are simple, small and often the things that are unusual and strange. 

Reporting from MensHealth, Friday (9/3/2010), here are some healthy ways a strange but true: 

1. Using the toilet closest to the bathroom door Based on analysis of 51 toilets, the experts found that the nearest toilet with the bathroom door consistently had the lowest bacteria levels. This is because most people will choose the most distant toilets to ensure privacy, especially in the men's bathroom.
2. Prop arm broken by magazine For emergencies, a broken wrist which could be supported by a thick magazine, and then tied up with bandages and dressings, so as not to aggravate the injury and fractures that occur. 

3. Accusing someone else took the key Research shows that there are real differences between how young people and parents interpret about forgetting a place to store keys.
Young people will usually blame others, like "Who took my keys?", While parents will blame themselves, "I'm getting old as to forget to put the key."
Well, based on these results, people will blame others when forgetting something because then the person will be deemed not to forget and can serve as an effective mental tricks. 

4. Scratching other body parts If you experience itchy skin, try scratching elsewhere in the same body part, eg the feet or hands. This is a trick to fool the brain and relieve itching in the skin. 

5. Using ice in the groin during a fever People who have a fever is usually treated by drinking lots of fluids. But the quick way down the heat is put ice bags in the groin. This may not be convenient, but works quickly lower the heat on the body's core. 

6. Lubricate the wound with honey Try to rub honey on the skin surface of the wounded before wrapped with bandages. Honey has powerful antibacterial properties. A recent study has revealed that honey is able to destroy almost all types of bacteria that infect many wounds. 

7. Black pepper to stop bleeding When you are injured finger while cooking, clean the wound with cold water and use black pepper to stop bleeding. Black pepper has analgesic properties, antibacterial and antiseptic. 

8. Washing twice daily mustache If you are prone to allergies and had a mustache, washing your mustache twice daily with liquid soap. This will remove allergens stuck in your mustache. 

9. Pets can lower blood pressure To reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, guard animals such as cats, rabbits or dogs. Numerous studies show that pets can keep blood pressure under control when you are stressed. 

10. Changing name According to the study, people with positive initials, such as JOY or WOW, nearly 4.5 years longer life compared with neutral initials, such as Dud or ASS. While people with negative initials, such as Ill and DED showed a short age.


Eileen said...

Thanks for all of this valuable information, such as the honey, I always knew honey was good for us, but I did not know about it having antibacterial properties, or black pepper to stop bleeding. Another one that surprised me was the closest toilet being the most clean. Thanks for this interesting reading and information!

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