Jan 16, 2011

Ginger and Tea Overcome Cancer

Therapy against cancer continues to grow. Of therapy "simple" that led to the recent disturbances with immunotherapy that could minimize patient complaints during therapy.
One of the latest findings worth noting that the benefits of ginger extract and green tea to treat cancer. Similarly, given at a meeting of experts for the American Cancer Research October of 2003.
Ann Bode and Zigang Dong of the University of Minnesota examined the benefits of ginger extract known as gingerol. This substance that makes ginger spicy feel. They gave it substance in mice that had been infected with human colon cancer cells. Mice used were specially grown mice, making them more susceptible to cancer.
Fifteen days later, Bode and the Dong began to observe results. In mice that underwent a normal diet to 13 mice were exposed to the tumor. While the group of mice that received injections of extracts of ginger - before and after tumor cells were infected - only found four mice infestation tumors.
Unfortunately, there is no information on whether to consume ginger in the simple form also provide benefits for preventing cancer. You see, not so far our society has become more familiar familiar with ginger - began to drink round, sekoteng, ginger candy, or other?

There was another study done again a team in the Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson. Research carried out on 118 heavy smokers. The smokers were divided into two groups, each asked to drink at least four cups of green tea or black teas in a day.
Following four months, they performed measurements on body chemical called 8-OHdG. This substance is released the body in response to DNA damage that often occurs in cases of cancer. The result?
In those who drink green tea decaffein decline as much as 31% of 8-OHdG. While on who drank black tea signs can not be found.
However, research results are not considered sufficient. According to Bode, "We're still going to continue to study the benefits of the herb, to overcome various kinds of tumor. In fact, until finally we can reveal the secret about major anticancer agent for humans."
No less important, according to experts at the meeting, looking for an easier way to reduce cancer risk.
Like the Dr. said. Raymond DuBois of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, who led the meeting, "Besides continue to do research for the treatment and prevention, should also be campaigns to disseminate cancer prevention efforts in an easy way."
DuBois Raymond hoped that the campaign can make all the citizens of the world community be more proactive in maintaining their health. Among other things, diligently consult the doctor and run a standard standards such as quitting smoking, maintaining a balance of nutrition, and physical exercise.


raju said...

very nice article. I have known many things from this article. keep up this good work

kid_Shakeology said...

Wow thanks for the powerful info! I'm always looking for nutritional tips.

arthritis said...

Great article ginger also:

has carminative properties
helps stimulate the secretion of mucus
treats feelings of nausea
contains anti viral, anti toxic, and anti fungal properties.
acts as an antihistamine.
displays anti inflammatory properties and can be used in treating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
aids in digestion and the prevention of cramps.
protects against the development of stomach ulcers.
lower cholesterol levels and helps prevent the formation of blood clots.
settle an upset stomachs, treat dyspepsia and colic.

DC Movers said...

Interesting. I wonder why these things aren't more heavily publicized...

call Pakistan said...

This has been a very significant blog indeed. I've acquired a lot of helpful information from your article. Thank you for sharing such relevant topic with us.

bridgewater movers said...

This is great news! I already love this tea. Perfect!

seattle tree service said...

This is such great information. Anything that can be helpful to battle cancer is worth the try. Thank you for the article.

seattle auto sales said...

I had heard of theses therapys before to traet cancer. Natural is the way to go in my opinion. Thank you

Justin said...

Nice article, but where can I learn more about it ? Thank you and happy new year.

Los Angeles DUI Lawyers said...

What a very informative article. This is a great information that many should be aware of. Anything that can help fight and prevent cancer is worth a try.I have to bookmark this post to my friends. This is worth to be published and be well- known in public.

Eileen said...

Great, informative information. I know Ginger helps with the stomach, but I never thought of it helping those with cancer. Thanks for the information!!

stop blushing said...

This is an interesting remedy for cancer. I certainly agree that ginger can be so ideal to get rid of this one.

perdre ventre said...

good article, gingembre and thé are good also to lose weight and flat stomach

Dc universe Online said...

I've been drinking green tea for a while now thanks for the great info!

health and diseases said...

Although I agree most herbal are useful to keep the body strength with all meanings, however, to relief from any diseases, particularly carcinoma, may be some larger and randomized studies provided to addressed the efficacy.

Omeprazole medication said...

Didn't thought that tea can cure cancer. However, it's not good for my peptic ulcer treatment. Good thing I don't have cancer.

Rede Credenciada Prevent Senior said...

Super tips for the approach.

Health said...

Green tea is good for our health!

Robin said...

Green tea is great! I also use organic oregano oil, I have yet to find any side effects from searching on the internet, everything is positive. It would be beneficial to read about it.

Healthy1 said...

Green tea is a healthy alternative as so is white tea.

Vimax Free Trial said...

We use alot of ginger in cooking (Indian curries) etc but I wonder does the heat from cooking destroy any of the healthy properties that ginger has. I do drink alot of green tea, and although I haven't noticed any major differences in my health, I'm hoping it's worth the effort.

anti-aging said...

it's been proven that Green Tea is a very resourceful of nutrients and also fights against illnesses like cancer.

Horny Goat Weed said...

I enjoy both green tea and ginger, this is article is great, if those trials are true about the 31% decline in 8-OhdG then this is very pleasing to hear.

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