Jan 12, 2011

Symptoms of asbestosis

Cigarette smoking significantly worsen asbestosis, many people believe the disease is that the only symptoms to develop tobacco-related consumption.

        * Persistent cough is a bronchial condition, respiratory infections or the flu. Typically, this is one cough.
        * shortness of breath caused by pulmonary capacity is reduced. The capacity to engage in physicalactivity drops.
        * chest pain, which becomes part by a cough and partly by the tension in the muscles and tendonsbetween the ribs causes or accumulated liquid.
        * finger clubbing by the decrease of oxygen content in the blood caused.

Asbestosis is 20-35 years latency period after the first exposure to asbestos, to eventually grow. People who will develop the disease develops gradually shortness of breath together with the model of cough.


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