Jan 26, 2011

Habits and Traditions Some countries who can Keep Obesity

 Obesity could have been avoided if someone is able to maintain balance of food intake is consumed. Also do not forget to remain engaged and active on a regular basis, for calories burned and leaves no fat in the body. 

Without realizing it, you do routine can really throw calories excess in the body. It is also likely to be people of some countries. Customs and traditions in everyday reality can maintain slimness and fitness. Following the tradition of the famous some countries were able to contribute positively to maintain slimness body 

1. Thailand
Thailand is like using chilies in every cuisine. Type spice this one is believed to increase metabolism. Also chili
also can slow the process of eating, so food that goes into limited and it is very effective weight loss. This habit
more or less the same as the people of Indonesia. 
2. Brazil
Brazilian Society uses rice and peas as the daily menu. This blend of low-fat and high in fiber, so that is believed to be able to stabilize blood sugar. 

3. Poland  

Polish society is more frequent meals at home, because the culture of eating at home is very strong. By eating at home, then they are able to provide healthy menus 

4. Germany  
About 75 percent of Germans breakfast every day with fruit, cereal, or whole-grain breads. The study says, if someone missed breakfast it will trigger overeating before or at lunchtime.

5. Netherlands

Famous Dutch society really like using a bike to do daily activities. Cycling at medium speed can help you burn about 550 calories per hour. 

6. Switzerland  

Swiss citizens using muesli for breakfast or light dinner. Muesli or cereal is porridge made from oats, fruits, and nuts 

7. Russia

Most Russian citizens grow their own fruit and vegetables in his yard. They also have a habit of preserving fruit and vegetables for their own consumption. This makes them more nutritious diet.


ipad accessories said...

I think for avoiding obesity one must walk on the path as it is stated in the post. Burning calories in proper way and leaving no fat are the way to put them in action everytime.

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