Jan 25, 2011

Color Diet Prevents Cancer

What color is actually a diet? According to the author of What Color is Your Diet?, David Heber, MD, Ph.D., food color diet, especially vegetables and fruits, very good for health, especially in preventing cancer. Not solely a diet to lose weight

The idea of this diet is that foods with specific colors, there are also specific nutrients. The stronger the color of vegetables and fruit, nutritional content is also growing. 

Here are some basic diet in Heber color-coded system. 

Red. Vegetables and fruits rich in lycopene is red, which can reduce the risk of cancer. For example tomatoes and watermelons. 

 Orange. This type of food containing alpha and beta-carotene, which is good to prevent the occurrence of cancer. For example carrots and mango.
Orange or yellow. Orange or yellow color indicates that it contains vitamin C is good to protect body cells. It also contains betacryptoxanthin, one of the many components of carotenoids. This type of nutrients can be obtained from the orange, papaya, and nectar

Yellow or green. High green vegetable carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin that contribute to eye health. These nutrients are contained in spinach and other greens, green beans, and avocado. 

Green. This type of vegetables contain sulforaphane, isothiocyanates, and indoles, which according to Heber to stimulate the liver to make components that can break down cancer-causing chemical. For example broccoli, cabbage, bok choi, and brussel sprouts

White or green. These foods contain flavonoids that can protect cell membranes. Food source that can be utilized are garlic, onions, celery, and pears


Mariana said...

Thanks a lot for such an interesting and informative post. I knew that eating fruits and vegetables of different colours was benefitial for our health, but I didn't know that they were good to prevent cancer.

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